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Frequently Asked Questions ??

Thinking About Building a Fence or Retaining Wall?

The Town of Neepawa Zoning By-law No. 3184-18 contains the following provisions regarding the height of fences, walls and hedges in residentially zoned areas:

a) The maximum height shall not exceed 3 feet in any front yard. (The front yard is the front 25 feet of the lot, measured from the front property boundary.)

b) The maximum height shall not exceed 6 feet in any side yard or rear yard.

Building permits are generally not required for fences or walls. Retaining walls where the height of the wall exceeds 4 feet at any point require a permit prior to construction.

If you have any questions about fences or any other construction project in Neepawa or, RM of Rosedale or RM of Glenella/Lansdowne please contact our office. 


Decks – Attached/ Detached

  • A permit is required for all new/altered/repaired decks either attached or detached

  • No deck is to be constructed in any front yard

  • Decks shall maintain setbacks from side and rear boundaries as outlined in the appropriate zoning by-law

  • Applications will require a plan outlining the size, support, and spans of all structural members

  • See detached/attached deck detail form and brochure which provide some guidelines to deck construction (Forms found under Permits and applications)


Tent Structures

  • Tent type structures do require a building permit if over the size of 10 m2

  • Tent type structures are required to maintain all setbacks as accessory uses for their particular area and are not permitted to be located within any front yard

  • Tent type structure in commercial and industrial zones may require engineered plans


Property Boundaries and lot sizes

  • It is the property owner’s responsibility to know or be able to locate the property boundaries for their specific lot

  • If an owner does not know the location of their boundary or the size of lot, and needs to know for any reason either for construction/location of a structure or fence, the only legal means to locate these boundaries is by way of legal survey

  • It is the owner’s responsibility for all costs to locate a property boundary

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